3 Questions to… Wiz-Team Founder and CEO Johann Woringer

What was the biggest lesson learnt in 2020?

To see the glass half full! There were very little operations between March and December, but our development team has never been so busy as all resources were available to work on new product features and focus on developing Even-Works. Being resilient and flexible are two other important lessons from 2020. The team went beyond normal duties to create user guides, conduct trainings, Q&A webinars, and revamp our branding including a new website.

How did Wiz-Team tackle the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic?

As part of its strategy, Wiz-Team has always diversified its client portfolio between software licenses and services and working across multiple industries. This diversification has been extremely helpful. We’ve also taken this time to prepare for when events do resume, worked on internal processes, hired four new brilliant staff members and moved offices.

Looking ahead to 2021, what are Wiz-Team’s plans?

This year will be about making sure Event-Works becomes the reference for accessibility in event management solutions, that we continue to develop our application infrastructure and provide new automated and time-saving tools to organisations and event professionals. Wiz-Team is also going to grow with a few experts joining the team and some exciting new projects and partnerships… watch this space!

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