Queen’s Baton Relay System: Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games


Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games


United Kingdom


June 01, 2022

Official Provider: Baton Relay Nominations and Route Planning

The Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay completed an epic journey across the Commonwealth starting in October 2021, visiting all 72 nations and territories. Celebrating, connecting and exciting communities in the run up to the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, the Queen’s Baton Relay covered no less than 140,000 km upon its conclusion at the Opening Ceremony of the Games on 28 July 2022.

As the Official Provider of Birmingham 2022’s Core Games Management Systems, Wiz-Team and its smart software solution Event-Works was part of this amazing journey since the very beginning.  As the Baton Relay Nominations and Route Planning application, Event-Works delivers to B2022 the Batonbearer nominations portal, selection, registration, data management, and communications for the domestic portion of the relay. It also served organisers in the process of route stage and slot planning, route operations management, live baton tracking, as well as tour services. In addition, Wiz-Team’s revamped Relay App made its debut by bringing the web-based solution to the fingertips of teams on-the-ground, running relay operations around the nation.


The following numbers highlight the scale of this extraordinary undertaking for the Baton’s domestic journey…

  • 7,960 Batonbearer nominations by…
  • 9,665 nominators, led to the selection of…
  • 1,525 Batonbearers attributed to…
  • 1,700 slots covering …
  • 1,100 stages.

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