Wiz-Team supports delivery of Swiss Cyber Security Days

The Swiss Cyber Security Days (SCSD), bringing together Switzerland‘s leading expertise in cyber security in an international environment, kicked off today. The delivery of this high-profile, virtual event has been supported by Wiz-Team’s event management solution “Event-Works” for registration, ticketing, and payment.

The conference is streamed via a new innovative networking and business platform called “SCSD365”. Wiz-Team has created a specific, highly customised API, which allows for a high-speed, accurate, and secure access to important event information connecting Event-Works with the SCSD365 virtual platform.

“With data privacy and security being core elements of Wiz-Team’s solutions, it has been a fascinating experience to contribute to the delivery of this important event for a second time in a row”, says Wiz-Team COO Tim Goethals. He adds: “Last week we were back on the ground supporting the delivery of a physical international sport event in Poland, this week we are again 100% in the virtual space. That’s the new normal and our versatile event management solution allows us to adjust quickly to different situations and needs.” 

This year’s SCSD themes focus on global hacking and national sovereignty, with the second conference day devoted to SME security.  The line-up of top level speakers include Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, André Kudelski, Chairman and CEO of the Kudelski Group and President of Innosuisse, and many more senior experts from organisations such as Interpol, the WEF, the Geneva Center for Security Policy, the CyberPeace Institute and the European Space Agency.

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